Protection 1 an avec AVAST CloudCare - Surveillance à distance par DTL

Image de Avast - AVG 1AN
Fabricant     Avast
Pièce # AVG 1AN
Code UPC
Image de Avast - AVG 1AN
En inventaire
0 (Rupture de stock)
4495 $

Spécifications du produit

  • Protects while browsing

    Works with any web browser to check files before they’re downloaded and to scan URLs to protect your employees while searching, shopping, and banking online.

  • Verifies links before you click

    Actively checks web links before it’s clicked to prevent your employees from visiting malicious websites. Also provides automatic, real-time scans of any links exchanged on Facebook®, Twitter®, or Skype®.

  • Blocks hackers

    Our firewall works on both wired and wireless networks to protect your company’s data and prevent malware from taking over your PCs. With inbound and outbound port and application protection, your business is always protected.

  • Scans without distractions

    AVG Smart Scanning reduces distractions. Scans run only when your employees are not using their PCs, and switch to low-priority mode while they’re working.

  • Protects identity

    If your employees shop online, we’ll warn them when we detect any potentially dangerous software trying to steal their passwords or credit card numbers.